Economic or know-how tourism is booming in France. This is why in 2023, the departmental tourism development plan has made it one of its priority areas.
And if the promotion of know-how is essential for today's tourism, it is also essential for strengthening the attractiveness of our territory !

The company visit in 2023* is:

  • A constantly growing number of visitors: +40% in 3 years
  • The AURA region in the top 5 regions with the most company visits
  • A first audience composed of families and residents of the region

* BUSINESS AND DISCOVERY Observatory in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region 2023

The Route des Savoir-Faire de Haute-Loire brings together all the know-how tourism offers that exist in the Haute-Loire department. Company visits, initiation workshops with craftsmen or even farm visits... numerous activities that will please tourists and Altiligarians alike!

Ready to share your passion, your job and your daily life with the public?
Hit the Road with us in Spring 2024…

Why join the Route des Savoir-Faire?

  • Promote the quality, know-how and authenticity of Altiligère companies
  • Create visibility, notoriety and build loyalty among local or tourism consumers
  • Highlight companies’ CSR commitments, their values ​​and make their employees proud
  • Transmitting know-how, giving rise to vocations and encouraging recruitment
  • Become an ambassador, create cohesion, communicate and share with other businesses in the region
  • Actively participate in making the department more attractive

Who is it for?

  • Artisans
  • Farmers
  • Industry leaders

Do you have quality know-how and you want to share your passion and your profession with the tourist public and locals? 

Do not hesitate, join us! 

Consult or download the presentation brochure to find out more:



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