in Mazet-Saint-Voy

Vers le Pic du Lizieux

It’s up to you to conquer the chlorophyll spaces of Lizieux! This Natura 2000 classified site will offer you a mountain bike circuit alternating between coniferous forests and wide panoramas of the plateau with the Mézenc, and the entire Sucs chain in the background. Vo


The first three kilometers go up towards the D15, then the next 3 go down to the Ligne stream. Then, you have to climb 300 meters in altitude through the woods to reach the Pic du Lizieux massif (1388 m) and be halfway through the circuit. The rest of the route has a more descending profile through forest landscapes in the Lizieux woods, then agricultural and more open landscapes heading back towards the village of Mazet-Saint-Voy.
Cycling sportsMTB route
Duration02hElevation623 D- ​​/ 623 D+Distance26,2 kmMax Altitude1303m
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