The Velay includes several gastronomic specialities: Verbena, green lentils, Fin Gras du Mézenc… but also the famous red and black pearls of Velay. Strawberries, raspberries, blackcurrants, currants, blackberries and blueberries are harvested in Haute-Loire from June to September. An atypical production on the territory!

Red fruits grown at more than 1 meters above sea level

Strawberries, raspberries et gooseberries are grown to more than 1 meters above sea level by farmers who jointly produce, promote and sell them. The techniques of reasoned agriculture and the concern for perfection of the producers guarantee the quality of the Red Pearls of Mounts of Velay. A range of flavors that we appreciate both in fresh fruit and in sorbets or jams.

As much Red fruits which are the basis of many recipes from chefs in Haute-Loire !

Red pearls from the Velay mountains, dessert, Haute-Loire, Auvergne

A gourmet dessert

Aurélie Lardon's recipe (Auberge des Myrtilles):

Raspberries and Rosemary Medley

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